Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine is a relatively new branch of musculoskeletal medicine which uses the body’s natural healing properties in a concentrated form to address areas of pain or dysfunction.
Platelet Rich Plasma injections involve obtaining a blood sample from the patient, spinning down the blood in a centrifuge and removing the portion of the blood that contains the healing properties associated with platelets and plasma.  This is being used to treat various conditions from lateral epicondylitis to newer procedures using an intra-discal approach to treat degenerative disc disease of the spine.

Stem cell injections involve harvesting mesenchymal stem cells from either a bone marrow source or adipose (fat) source.  After extraction of the stem cells a similar process occurs in that there is centrifugation of the extracted bone marrow or fat, and a concentrated stem cell preparation is injected to the desired site of dysfunction.
These procedures are performed under ultrasound guidance to ensure proper placement of the injectate.
While these types of injections are not a “cure all”, in some cases there is regeneration of cartilage, repair of torn tendons and healing of torn muscles which can result in improved pain and function.
Many studies are being performed across the country for this exciting advancement in the way we treat musculoskeletal pain.  We will continue to update you on such studies.
Feel free to contact our office for a consult regarding these procedures.
Stay active and stay healthy!
Chris Marker, D.O.


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