Our board-certified physicians are specialized in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound for diagnostic and interventional purposes.  They have received training by leaders in the field and serve as instructors at conferences across the country.  In our clinic, we use diagnostic ultrasound to accurately diagnose various injuries, including tendon, ligament, muscle, and joint injuries.  Ultrasound provides real-time imaging of these structures, oftentimes with greater detail over other imaging modalities (x-rays, MRI).


Our physicians can dynamically assess the function of the injured site under ultrasound and look for signs of healing or inflammatory processes.  These findings can help dictate appropriate care and management of the injury.  Musculoskeletal ultrasound also provides our physicians with accuracy and precision during injection procedures.  Ultrasound provides assurance that the medication was accurately injected at the site of injury, which is essential with orthobiologic procedures.